
automotive side: 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

shock absorbers system

Anyone who has never heard the term shockbreaker or shockabsorber?. Almost all motor vehicles or even vehicles now even almost no motor vehicles that do not have a good system of shock absorbers of two-wheeled vehicles or four-wheel drive as well as transport vehicles such as buses and trucks also have a system of shock absorbers and even make use of railway wheels to place the iron rail runs still equipped with shock absorber.

There are 2 types of system shock absorbers are used in motor vehicles, namely:

1. Types per leaf.

Per type is widely used in both transport vehicles and freight transport conveyance. Per is composed of several sheets of steel held together and fastened at the two ends as a handle. One of the second end of the handle is made to move freely per order per spasticity can result when the vehicle through uneven road terrain. Advantages of a leaf is the strength that can withstand a heavy payload, but the drawback system of shock absorbers such harsh and uncomfortable for passengers.

2. Type a snail.

Types of shock absorbers are widely used in certain vehicles that prioritizes comfort in driving such as sedans, minibuses (only), SUV, MPV, etc.. Advantages of the system of shock absorbers is the more tender and flexible so that it will provide more comfort for the rider. While shortcomings suspense type that uses a snail can not withstand heavy loads.

For the motorcycle type of vehicle, type of suspension used is per snail because the burden of the load than the motorcycle itself is not so heavy and when the motorcycle mounted leaf springs is unlikely and may actually will take place.

Caring for Yourself Vehicle

Component is the major component of the motor vehicle?. Certainly engine dong ya .. If not how can the machine, must be driven tired period. So the machine as a main system that drives a motor vehicle must be in excellent condition in the sense that no interference occurs when driving such as breaking down the street, halting road vehicles etc..

To keep the machine always excellent working conditions or in accordance with the standard engine should always be treated routinely. For treatment may use the services of our trust workshop or if we have knowledge of the machine it would be better if we do the treatment themselves. Maybe obstacles that we will face when doing their own maintenance is limited equipment that we use. But that does not matter because a lot of the shops that sell equipment for this purpose and we simply just buy the tools we need it.

Caring for your vehicle engine itself is better than if we pasrahkan to the workshop. Those advantages include:

1. We as the owner of the vehicle will actually give the best treatment to our own vehicle, more serious in analyzing the various aberrations that occur and try as much as possible improvements.

2. By doing their own care would be more sensitive to deviations that occur so quickly we immediately take precautions.

3. Skill / ability we will continue to grow.

4. Of course, by doing it yourself will save costs.

Many guide books about the vehicle that has been sold in the shops. The book can be used as a handle or a guide if we do not understand how to perform maintenance on vehicles.

How to Repair and Install Carburetor Motor

IF the carburetor float needle wear, then gasoline will come out constantly.

To repair a worn float needle, the size of 1000 provide fine sandpaper. Previously, to open the four screws fastening the bowl. Then the needle unloading buoy position. Then the edges with sandpaper until smooth turning. The height of a float by itself will change also does not comply with the manufacturer's recommendations. Therefore it is necessary to know the secret special tips tune.

Here is how to installation: The first step, replace the needle follows pelampungnya, and create a basic benchmark, then high again measuring buoy. Furthermore plug the carburetor bowl, quite flanked by hand, do not need to be tied using four screws. Position the carburetor stand. Then attach the fuel line and let the petrol filling bowl. Then disconnect the hose and open the bowl.

Under normal conditions, the surface of the gasoline (the side that would spill) just the rim, while the other side surface, must be fitted with a bottom surface buoy coakan space. This method for carburetor pelampungnya space is not too deep. When tilted, the surface of the gasoline in the bowl should be parallel coakan limit. If too much fuel in the bowl (flood), we live life jacket and otherwise raise if too less, the buoys are set low. The buoy is made of plates, we stay up-down foot stopernya. While the buoys from plastic, it is necessary to use solder heat the first leg

Used Motorcycle Repair Tips

no harm in it we buy motorcycles rondoan alias used bike?

As long as we are smart and observant in choosing to buy a motorcycle, used bike can remain comfortable and even stylish when worn. In fact, we can ONLY dapet nice bike with a relatively less expensive, "bejo" right? (Bejo = profit).

But we can ONLY dapet motorcycle accident is not good, both in terms of appearance or engine. Suppose there are body scratchy or mbrebet engine. Less memuaaskan not ...?

Well this time the NP will share tips on how to repair / merenofasi motor used to be better. Immediately wrote well see ya ...

1. Renofasi The Machine, Electrical, Lighting and Lamp-Lamp.

Before we renofasi the outside, it would be nice renofasi motorcycle engine parts first. Check all parts / motorcycle engine parts from the most vital example: Piston (Piston), block valve (for 4-stroke motors), Kop cylinder (cylinder Head), Carburetor, and others to other parts eg: Canvass and a clutch, a valve, and others.
Make sure all the parts work normally. Fix if any parts are scratchy so already not feasible to use (usually on the piston or cylinder block). Replace with new parts if necessary, or if the part is not already produced, could dikanibali use other motor parts (Kayak swap enggine Tiger to CB).
For injection motors, take the bike to the dealer wrote and asked to check the overall use special diagnostic tools to detect damage injection.
Do not forget to check the electrical parts eg CDI, coil, spark plugs, cables, and others. Replace if part is not worth taking. This also applies to the lights on the bike. So that the motor still safe for driving ...

Let me look more attractive, it can re-paint Kalter and engine block. Use attractive colors ie yellow gold, matte black, silver, and others. Wear heat-resistant paint that do not easily melt / fade. Not recommended Meng-chrome on the engine, because it is said he could make the machine easy to heat when used. But if you make ya MODIF aja aja probably is OK ...

2. Check suspension, swing arm, and wheels ...

Do not forget to check the quality of front-rear suspension damping. Check whether the suspension is still worth taking and not die. Make sure that the damping is not too stiff or too mentally was not mentul (Gak may Lustful, hehehe). Also check what was leaking oil on the shock front. If it is less suitable to be used, it is better to fix or replace the use of the new (if only for mods, replace all wear parts "Waste Moge", if there is more money anyway ... hehehe).

Also check the condition of the swing arm or swing arm. Check whether it is still strong enough to bear our burdens while driving. Check also bearingnya, who knows uda uda sound rusty and ciiit ciiit ciiit (Kayak rat wrote hehehe ... ^ ^). If da is less feasible to use, repair or replace a new one. If goods not manufactured uda, dikanibali can also use other motor parts.
Check also velgnya, whether they are strong or even already peyang. For wheels jari-jari/ruji, stel velgnya be safe in use. When the wheels / uda rusty fingers or peyang, yes replaced with a new one aja deh. For the wheel bolt, check whether there are cracks or bent. Bring to artisan pres wheels if uda no cracks or bent bolt on wheels. Also check the bearings on the wheels / drum. Is it still smooth when turning or already pregnant.
If you want to be different, re-paint suspension, swing arm, and wheels. Use wrana attractive colors like yellow gold, matte black, silver, and others. Or can ONLY let you touch more sleek chrome. Originally aja deh stay within the rules ...

Or if the motor buaat ornamental purposes / modif contest, can use suspension, swing arm, and wheels from the waste part MOGE. But if we have more money deh hehehe ... could boost the look you know ... Origin installation neat and harmonious ...

3. Cheque Details Body and Paint reset When It ...

Also check the details of used motor body uda you buy. Check what no cracks or scratchy. Can no cracks or breaks, can direnofasi the expert workshops gituan. Usually didempul or welded'll connect again.
If you've seamlessly, can be repainted'll look more interesting and not dull anymore (Originally appropriate if the motor vehicle registration and rules for daily). Can be clear coated paint / varnish let more sleek and secure. If cuman create a modif (Contest / display), can use cutting sticker / air brush motors in order to look more sweet and interesting.

If you want to be different for the contest modif / display, can change body kitnya vaariasi wear body kit. Could that of fiber or plastic. If according to the NP's more stable when constrained kitnya body design custom alias own creations. Let increasingly look different.

Actually there are a lot of parts / part else can be discussed. But if the NP pegel ngetiknya should thoroughly discuss all of them, so just so aja ya hehehe ...

A few tips first light of the NP. Positive may be useful for bikers who want to or already possess the motor rondo alias used bike so bike not less interesting with the new motor