
automotive side: 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Emergency Car Repair Tips

In travel, there are just things that could cause our cars to be problematic, especially when we are on a long journey, when the city and during the day, we may directly into the nearest car repair shop to fix it, but what if the travel is at night when the garage the car is closed and the cars we have problems.

Therefore here are some tips in making a car service / repair emergencies like the one above:

A. Improve the condition of the vehicle is too hot

Action: Menepilah to a safe place, stop the vehicle and turn on emergency lights, then turn off the engine. We started doing car service. Do not open the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are still hot, wait 15-30 minutes, then refill the radiator. If the temperature is normal, check fluid level, if reduced, may leak.

2. Fix the radiator leak

Action: If the car is in motion, immediately stop the vehicle, if certain dry radiator water, wait for the engine to cool. After that pour the water in the radiator while observing the leak. Having known the leak patched with a banana. The way a banana split in half and then into the leaking parutkan. Wait 10-15 minutes, then fill the radiator with water. Just in case bring mixture patch radiator (radiator stopleak).

3. Improving Long Tie - Rod bent

Action: To straighten the pin and nut fastener open the tie-rod ends. Remove the steering knuckle arm. Usually because the old tie-rod untouched difficult removed. So knock of the arm knuckle with a hammer, avoiding mengetoknya from the top end of the bolt thread thus making wide. Having removed the tie-rod Lindas are bent with the help of another vehicle wheels, doing a few times until the straight. Try to position the tie-rod across, not parallel with the tire. No matter what type of car. Although maybe your car is a mercedes, you can perform temporary services mercedes.

4. Improve the removal of glass that does not work

Act of 1: Wipe the glass with a clean cloth and sprinkle tobacco smoking to the entire surface of the glass. Then rub with your hands.

Action 2: Or also by spraying regular soft drinks (drinks that contain soda) from the top along the glass and then wiped with a cloth.

Act of 3: Or find a banana tree, take pelepahnya, and give yourself piece of banana leaf midrib sap to the entire surface of the glass.

5. In a frosted glass repair

Action: Dampen a cloth until damp. Then apply a dab of soap, shampoo or detergent powder to one side of the cloth. Wipe evenly to the entire surface of the glass. Then wipe with a damp cloth before.

6. Fix the lights went out due to blown fuse

Action: the car park immediately in a safe place. Terminal off the lights, grab the cables connect to the negative terminal of the lamp is located on the left side of your front to the negative battery terminal. Just choose the other cable will be connected near the top terminal or remote terminal on the right and then directly connected to the plus terminal aki.Misalnya mercy of your car is ... so you do not have to shop for services mercy mercy. You can perform services while at the mercy.

May be useful!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Electric Vehicles – Seeing the Big Picture

By Dr Peter Harrop, Chairman, IDTechEx
The burgeoning electric vehicle EV industry cannot be understood by simply looking at cars. The complete market value is, and will remain, about double the market for cars. The leaders such as Toyota, Honda and Nissan make electric vehicles for many applicational sectors. Indeed, many of them also control the manufacture of the component that most affects price and performance – the battery. For example, Nissan has a major program to put next generation lithium batteries from its battery joint venture into its forklifts as well as its cars. Toyota makes heavy and light industrial EVs from forklifts to buses and mobility for the disabled, not just electric cars, and the knowledge in these different divisions is shared between them all. Much is written about hybrid cars but there are substantial sales of hybrid military trucks, buses and even motorcycles now.

New report

IDTechEx has therefore launched a new report on the whole subject called “Electric Vehicles 2010-2020”. It is based on ten years of researching the subject, intensive desk research, visits and interviews. There are chapters on Heavy Industrial, Light Industrial and Commercial, Mobility for the Disabled, Two Wheelers, Golf Cars, Cars, Military, Marine and Other Vehicles. That even extends to electric mobile robots, surveillance jellyfish and other Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), bats and electric aircraft. Detailed forecasts for these vehicle categories by numbers and value and the key components are provided for 2010-2020. The trends, technology and planned vehicles are clarified in 185 figures and 58 tables including the historical context. Winning and losing strategies are evaluated. Timelines are given of events to come.

At last the full picture of China

IDTechEx does not make the common mistake of reporting primarily on vehicles from the well known Western and Japanese manufacturers. 66% of the manufacturers of electric vehicles in the world are in China. Over 90% of the world’s electric vehicles were made in China, mainly for use in China. It has the largest potential market for electric vehicles. It mines and controls 95% of the world’s rare earth reserves used in the hybrid car batteries, motors and other key components of today’s electric vehicles. Of the 420 EV manufacturers covered in this new report, an appropriately high proportion are Chinese. This is particularly true of the chapters on Heavy Industrial, Light Industrial and Commercial, Mobility for the Disabled, Two Wheelers, Golf Cars and Cars, where the Chinese heavily participate – with, as yet, little publicity – because so much of it is for the domestic market.

Unique forecasts
New ten year forecasts for the whole EV market are only available from IDTechEx. The company finds that the electric vehicle industry will continue to exhibit strong growth for the next decade, though some sectors were impacted by the global financial meltdown and have yet to fully recover. Those participating in only one sector need to keep a wary eye on those with a broader vision: they must frequently review their strategy and avoid dangerous tunnel vision.

Good volume growth but greater value growth

The 29 million EVs sold in 2010 will rise 69% to 49 million in 2020 but the value of the market will grow by far more because larger and more expensive vehicles are now rapidly adopting the technology. Motorcycles, military vehicles, buses and earthmovers are among them. Hybrids will rise from about 50% to about 60% of the value market through the decade. In ten years from now, a far higher percentage of the global output of light industrial vehicles, commercial vehicles and cars will be EVs.

The new report gives the detail, forecasting numbers, unit value and total market value for each applicational sector with many original tables giving subsets of the data and a large number of profiles of current and planned activities of the participants. Some EV sectors were hit by the global financial meltdown but are recovering. Many sectors now benefit from the tsunami wave of government benefits, technical innovations and new models becoming available. We evaluate these aspects and the market drivers, including what users really need. Battery, motor and other technology is explained and forecasted as well.

This report “Electric Vehicles 2010-2020” is a sister report to IDTechEx reports about the two most important subsectors of the EV business - “Hybrid and Pure Electric Cars 2010-2020” and “Car Traction Batteries – The New Gold Rush 2010-2020”. The report comes with one hour of free telephone or email consultancy to fill in any information you still require after having read it.